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[1] Chen W, Dai L, Letaief K B, Cao Z. A unified cross-layer framework for resource allocation in cooperative networks. IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications 2008.8: 1699-1707. (Marconi Prize Paper Award)

[2] Chen W, Letaief K B, Cao Z. Network Interference Cancellation, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, 2009.12: 5982 - 5999.

[3] Chen W, Letaief K B, Cao Z. A cross-layer method for interference cancellation and network coding in wireless networks. Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2006: 3693-3698. (Best Paper Award)

[4] Chen W, Cao Z, Letaief K B. Optimal delay-power tradeoff in wireless transmission with fixed modulation. Proceedings of International Workshop on Cross Layer Design. 2007: 60 – 64. (Best Paper Award)

[5] Bai B, Chen W, Letaief K B, Cao Z. RBG Matching: An Innovative Combinatorial Approach for OFDMA Resource Allocation, Proceedings of IWCMC, 2010. (Invited Paper)

[6] Dai L, Chen W, Cimini L J, Letaief K B. Fairness Improves Throughput in Energy-constrained Cooperative Ad-hoc Networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, 2009.7: 3679-3691.

[7] Bai B, Chen W, Cao Z, Letaief K B. Max-Matching Diversity in OFDMA Systems, IEEE Trans. on Communications, 2009.4: 1161-1171.

[8] Ma Z, Chen W, Letaief K B, Cao Z. A Semi Range-Based Iterative Localization Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 2010.2: 704 – 717.

[9] Xu Y, Chen W, Cao Z. Optimal power allocation for spectrum sharing in frequency-selective unlicensed bands. IEEE Communication Letter, 2008.7: 511-513.

[10] Bo B, Chen W, Cao Z. Low-Complexity Hierarchical Spectrum Sharing Scheme in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Communication Letter, 2009.10: 770 - 772.


[2] IEEE ICC 2010, Wireless Communications Symposium, TPC Co-chair
[3] IEEE ICC 2008, Student Travel Grant chair
